MGH Blog
News | Events
MGH-Veranstaltungen 2024/25
Auch diesen Herbst und Winter laden die MGH zu Online- und Präsenzveranstaltungen ein.
News | EventsMGH Autumn Academy, 9-13 September 2024
This year's MGH Autumn Academy focuses on charters as important testimonials of medieval written production.
EventsBeyond Regino: „Geschichtsquellen des deutschen Mittelalters“ and Canon Law
Invitation to the evening lecture at the MGH institute on 6.5.2024 commemorating the inauguration of the new MGH series Collectiones ca
News | EventsMGH Lectures 2023/24
This autumn and winter, the MGH are once again proud to present our programme of online and live lectures.
EventsInvitation to a panel discussion on January 17, 2024 in the Jüdisches Museum, Munich
As one of the first German historical research institutions, the Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH) have turned to examine the fate of
EventsInvitation to the workshop „Korrespondierende Wissenschaft“
Together with the Collegium Carolinum and the Historische Kommission at the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Historical Commissi...
EventsInvitation to a Book Presentation
Martina Hartmann presents her new book on the married scholars Hildegard and Ottokar Menzel (1910-1945).
News | EventsA Lecture in the Best MGH Tradition
On Thursday, April 20 2023, Anna Claudia Nierhoff presented her lecture entitled: Auf verschlungenen Wegen – Eine Spurensuche zur Rezep...
News | EventsOnline Lectures 2022/23
This autumn and winter again, the MGH are proud to invite you to join us in our online lectures covering a wide spectrum of interesting
News | EventsThe Notebook of Emperor Frederick III
An invitiation to the interdisciplinary conference to be jointly hosted by the Department for the Study of the Historische Grundwissens
News | EventsIs there an answer to the question: who was Pseudo-Isidore?
Who was the author of the famous forgeries? When and where were they written? In an online lecture held on April 28, the latest in the ...