New Releases
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The MGH have the purpose of making the historical written source material of the European Middle Ages accessible through critical text editions and studies. In time, the field of activity of the MGH has expanded to incorporate new types of source material and areas of research.
Besides historiographical works, charters, laws and constitutions, legal texts, and sources for economic and social history, the MGH also edit letter collections, historical poetic works, monastic memorial books and necrologies, political treatises, and sources for intellectual history.
In the series „Schriften der MGH“, we publish comprehensive studies focusing on single topics; the series "Studien und Texte" comprises smaller studies on detailled problems; and the series "Hilfsmittel" provides fundamental resources for further studies. In our new series "Studien zur Geschichte der Mittelalterforschung", we profile studies on the history of medieval reseach.
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Scriptores, Leges, Diplomata, Epistolae, Antiquitates, and other edition and study series. NEW: Studien zur Geschichte der Mittelalterforschung
The „Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters“ (DA) publishes critical studies in preparation for and accompaning MGH editions and reports on the current stat...