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News | Events
Good things take time: The edition of the Letters of Archbishop Hinkmar of Reims
The MGH invite you to join us for an evening lecture on the occasion of the publication of the final volume in the edition of the lette
NewsInternational visitors from the MECERN conference
Under the title: "Inclusion and Exclusion in Medieval Central Europe", the sixth biennial conference of the Medieval Central Europe Res...
News | EventsGerman Medieval Studies – Historical Base-Level Research in Italy From the 19th to the 21st Century
The conference, to be held in the Deutsche Akademie, Villa Massimo, Rome from March 17 to 19 2025, is dedicated to German medieval stud
NewsMGH Fellows 2024
Last year, 2024, we supported five promising scholars with research scholarships at the MGH Munich institute.
NewsCall For Applications For a MGH Fellowship
The MGH friends association calls for applications for a two-month research sojourn at the Monumenta Germaniae Historica in Munich.
NewsWarning: Fake!
Made-up authors and literature references, cobbled up „scholarly“ works and thousands of publications from a supposedly serious publish
NewsThe Monumenta Germaniae Historica Mourn the Death of Prof. Dr František Šmahel
(*17 August 1934, † 5 January 2025)
NewsThe MGH wish you all a peaceful end to the year 2024
The MGH library is closed for Christmas holidays between 23 December 2024 and 7 January 2025.
New releasesDas Notizbuch Kaiser Friedrichs III.
Vorträge der interdisziplinären Tagung vom 17. und 18. November 2022
Herausgegeben von Martin Wagendorfer
(Schriften 83)
XII und...New releasesMenschen und Strukturen – Annäherungen an eine MGH-Geschichte 1919 bis 1959
Beiträge der Tagung im Oktober 2023 in der Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing
Herausgegeben von
Martina Hartmann, Annette Marqu...News | Events20 Entertaining Years With Joachim of Fiore
In a stimulating lecture on 2 December, Prof Alexander Patschovsky presented his critical edition of Joachim of Fiore's Apocalypse Comm