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News | Treasures of the MGH Library and Archive
Treasures of the MGH Library and Archive, No 20: A Goose For Christmas in Times of Dearth
In our series “Treasures of the MGH Library and Archive”, we present a treasure trove of rare finds and special documents of 200 years
MGH Library closed over the Christmas Holidays
Please note that the MGH library will be closed from December 27, 2022 to January 6, 2023.
More Digital Pre-Print Editions of the Charters of Henry VI
The MGH section Diplomata is at work at the Austrian Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung in Vienna preparing the edition o...
New releases
Die Königsaaler Chronik Herausgegeben von ANNA PUMPROVÁ und LIBOR JAN unter Mitarbeit von ROBERT ANTONÍN, DEMETER MALAŤÁK,LIBOR ŠVANDA ...
New releases
Die sogenannten St. Galler Annalen
Eine anonyme Fortsetzung der Chronik Hermanns des Lahmen (1054–1102) Nach Vorarbeiten von Alois Schütz († 2017) herausgegeben und übers...
New releases
Michael Eber – Stefan Esders – Till Stüber, Die Lebensbeschreibung des Lupus von Sens und der merowingische Machtwechsel von 613/14
Studien, revidierter Text und Übersetzung (Studien und Texte 70)
Frederick II. Charter Editions Chosen as Academy Project of the Month
In a comprehensive feature article on the web site of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research entitled „Die umfangreichste Urkun...
Report of a successful research sojourn
Dr. Levi Roach, Associate Professor at the University of Exeter, was granted a fellowship by the Friends of MGH e.V.
News | Events
Online Lectures 2022/23
This autumn and winter again, the MGH are proud to invite you to join us in our online lectures covering a wide spectrum of interesting
The World Chronicle of Ekkehard of Aura: Digital Pre-Print Edition of The First Two Books Now Online
With the publication of a digital pre-print edition of the first two books of Ekkehard of Aura’s World Chronicle, the MGH make one of t
New releases
Georg Strack, Solo sermone
Überlieferung und Deutung politischer Ansprachen der Päpste im Mittelalter (Schriften 79)
News | Treasures of the MGH Library and Archive
Treasures of the MGH Library and Archive, No 19: Infighting among NS functionaries
In our series “Treasures of the MGH Library and Archive”, we present a treasure trove of rare finds and special documents of 200 years