News | 14. Mar. 2024

DA Book Reviews: Your Finger on the Pulse of Medieval Research

The MGH house journal, the Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters (DA), traditionally dedicates an important section of every volume to book reviews. Twice yearly, a large number of scholars contribute critical reviews of the latest Medieval studies publications in the fields of the Hilfswissenschaften and source studies, political and ecclesiastical history, legal and constitutional history, social and economic history, regional history (Landesgeschichte), and cultural and intellectual history.

DA book reviews now also available online

As of March 2024, the MGH are proud to offer the scholarly community a further digital resource for medieval research: Beginning with DA 79,1 (2023), the DA book reviews will already be available online prior to the printed edition; they will remain accessible also after the printed publication. The DA online book reviews are full-text searchable and contain active links and lists of reviews by individual authors.

>> DA Book Reviews online as of DA 79,1 (2023)

Additionally, reviews published in DA remain, as before, available through the MGH-OPAC  under the title of the book in question.