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New releases
Glossen zum Sachsenspiegel-Lehnrecht – Die Wurmʼsche Glosse
Herausgegeben von Frank-Michael Kaufmann unter Mitarbeit von Matthias Witzleb
(Fontes iuris Germanici antiqui, Nova series 12)
LXXI... -
New releases
Joachim von Fiore, Expositio super Apocalypsim et opuscula adiacentia 2
Teil 2: Expositio Apocalypsis
Herausgegeben von Alexander Patschovsky und Kurt-Victor Selge †
(Quellen zur Geistesgeschichte des Mitte... -
News | Events
Valuable Learning Experience at the MGH Autumn Academy
I profited enormously („Ich nehme sehr sehr viel mit“), commented one of the participants evaluating this years MGH Autumn Academy on c
New releases
Fränkische Herrschererlasse 814–840
(Capitularia regum Francorum 814–840)
Capitularia regum francorum, Nova series 4
Herausgegeben und übersetzt von STEFAN ESDERS, SÖREN K... -
International Guests Visit The MGH
In the last weeks, two groups of international guests visited the MGH institute to learn more about the history and development of our ...
MGH digital edition of the letters of Ernst Kantorowicz goes online
In 2023, in connection with the re-evaluation of our institutional history, the MGH initiated the project of publishing a digital editi
Prestigious Award for Japanese MGH Scholar
In the presence of their imperial majesties, the Emperor and Empress of Japan, the 114th annual Japanese Award Ceremony was held on Jul...
The Monumenta Germaniae Historica mourn the death of Dr Rudolf Pokorny (10.7.1950-4.7.2024)
Rudolf Pokorny was born in Aachen and studied there at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH), before following the in
New releases
Deutsches Archiv: Heft 79,2
Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters: 79. Jahrgang, Heft 2 ist erschienen.
New MGH Series Inaugurated to International Public
The MGH evening lecture „Jenseits von Regino“ (Beyond Regino), presenting the edition of Regino of Prüm’s Sendhandbuch by Wilfried Hart...
MGH Autumn Academy, 9-13 September 2024
This year's MGH Autumn Academy focuses on charters as important testimonials of medieval written production.