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News | Treasures of the MGH Library and Archive
Treasures of 200 years MGH history, Nr 21: An elegant invitation
In unordered sequence, this series presents a selection of rare objects, historically interesting documents and papers from our archive
The Charters of Emperor Otto IV (1198-1218). Updated Digital Pre-Print Edition
The MGH section Diplomata working at the Austrian Institut für Mittelalterforschung at the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften,...
New Release of Digital Pre-Print Editions of the Charters of Emperor Henry VI
The MGH section Diplomata at the Austrian Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung in Vienna is preparing the edition of the ch...
News | Events
MGH Lectures 2023/24
This autumn and winter, the MGH are once again proud to present our programme of online and live lectures.
A productive and poignant evening
„It is one of the darkest memories of my childhood to recall the pain and bitterness I felt when, as an innocent seven-year-old who kne...
Invitation to a panel discussion on January 17, 2024 in the Jüdisches Museum, Munich
As one of the first German historical research institutions, the Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH) have turned to examine the fate of
The MGH wish you all a peaceful end to the year 2023
The MGH library is closed for Christmas from December 27, 2023 to January 8, 2024
MGH Fellows 2023
In the past year, 2023, the MGH were proud to support six scholars at the beginning of their academic careers with scholarships for the
Hands-on Medievistics
Together with their liaison lecturer, Prof. Daniela Neri-Ultsch from the Universität Regensburg, a group of scholarship holders of the
New releases
Regino von Prüm, Sendhandbuch
(Libri duo de synodalibus causis)
Herausgegeben und übersetzt von WILFRIED HARTMANN
(Collectiones canonum 1)
LXIV, VI und 862 S. in zw... -
New releases
Michael Eber, Christologie und Kanonistik
Der Dreikapitelstreit in merowingischen libri canonum
(Schriften 82)
XXXVI und 404 S. mit 2 Abb. und 3 Tab. 8°. 2023.
ISBN 978-3-447-12... -
Call for Applications for Four One-Month MGH Scholarships 2024
In 2024, the MGH offer four one-month scholarships for doctoral students and postdocs.