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Call for Applications for Four One-Month MGH Scholarships 2024
In 2024, the MGH offer four one-month scholarships for doctoral students and postdocs.
A conference sending important impulses
Under the title „Zwischen Personengeschichte und Institutsgeschichte: Die MGH von 1919 bis 1959“ (Between personal and institutional hi...
Solidarity with Israel
The MGH are appalled by the violent attack of the Islamist terror organisation Hamas against Israel. We extend our thoughts and our sol
New releases
Deutsches Archiv: Heft 79,1
Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters: 79. Jahrgang, Heft 1
New releases
Zwischen Vaterlandsliebe und Ausgrenzung
Die jüdischen Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen der Monumenta Germaniae Historica
Treasures in the Mail
The MGH are currently preparing to resume work on the digital edition of the correspondence of the famous medieval scholar, Ernst Kanto...
Target agreement 2023
Together with the heads of other historical institutions in Bavaria, MGH president Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Martina Hartmann was invited to the
Call for applications for two MGH fellowships
The MGH friends association „Pro arte edendi – Freunde der MGH e.V.“ calls for applications for two MGH fellowships for a one-month res
A Most Welcome Guest
The MGH are proud to have received the visit of Prof. Dr Benjamin Z. Kedar, emeritus professor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem an
Visitors from Paris
This year once again the Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris conducted an excursion to Munich under the motto „Munich pour les Médiév...
News | Press
Dracula at the MGH
A recent weekend edition of the Süddeutsche Zeitung contained an article featuring Prof. Dr Christof Paulus’ research on the written so...
„Le present est plein de l’avenir, et chargé du passé“
Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Martina Hartmann, President of the MGH , held a lecture at the 2023 Leibniz Congress in Hannover.