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News | Events
The Notebook of Emperor Frederick III
An invitiation to the interdisciplinary conference to be jointly hosted by the Department for the Study of the Historische Grundwissens
NewsProf. Dr Michael Menzel awarded the MGH’s Freiherr vom Stein Medal
On May 30, 2022 a solemn celebration was held in honour of Michael Menzel on the occasion of his retirement from the post of director o
New releasesDeutsches Archiv: Heft 77,2
Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters: 77. Jahrgang, Heft 2
NewsProf. Dr Marc-Aeilko Aris honoured with the Federal Order of Merit
Prof. Dr Marc-Aeilko Aris has been a member of the MGH central board of directors since 2010, headed the MGH as commissarial president ...
New releasesMatthias Schrör, Die Briefe Karls des Kahlen
Einführung und Edition (Studien und Texte 69)
NewsArno-Borst-Scholarship awarded for the first time
The scholarship was awarded to Theresa Sanzenbacher M.A. for her project „Die sächsische Annalistik des Hochmittelalters. Interdependen...
NewsMGH library now open four days a week
The MGH library is now open for use from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
News | EventsIs there an answer to the question: who was Pseudo-Isidore?
Who was the author of the famous forgeries? When and where were they written? In an online lecture held on April 28, the latest in the ...
New releasesEpistole et dictamina Clementis pape quarti
Das Spezialregister Papst Clemens’ IV. (1265–1268) (Briefe des späteren Mittelalters 4)
NewsSolidarity with Ukraine
Historical and critical source research stands for democracy and humanitarian values.