Bulletin Board
The MGH bulletin board posts the latest research developments and news from the Munich Institute.
Our journalistic series „Treasures of the library and archive“ presents selected treasures from the MGH archive with background information, offering insights into the history of the institution from its beginnings in the Deutscher Bund 200 years ago through the Nazi regime up to the present day.
MGH Fellows 2024
Last year, 2024, we supported five promising scholars with research scholarships at the MGH Munich institute.
NewsCall For Applications For a MGH Fellowship
The MGH friends association calls for applications for a two-month research sojourn at the Monumenta Germaniae Historica in Munich.
NewsWarning: Fake!
Made-up authors and literature references, cobbled up „scholarly“ works and thousands of publications from a supposedly serious publish
New Releases
Keeping you informed about the latest editions and studies published by the MGH.
NEW SERIES: „Digital Editions“ and „Studien zur Geschichte der Mittelalterforschung“ (Studies in the History of Medieval Research)-
New releases
Das Notizbuch Kaiser Friedrichs III.
Vorträge der interdisziplinären Tagung vom 17. und 18. November 2022
Herausgegeben von Martin Wagendorfer
(Schriften 83)
XII und...New releasesMenschen und Strukturen – Annäherungen an eine MGH-Geschichte 1919 bis 1959
Beiträge der Tagung im Oktober 2023 in der Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing
Herausgegeben von
Martina Hartmann, Annette Marqu...New releasesKarl Ferdinand Werner, Rang und Macht
Die Entstehung des europäischen Adels
Herausgegeben von Ursula Vones-Liebenstein
mit einer Einführung von Werner Paravicini und eine...Events
Check our event calendar for a record of MGH events in the past (since 2012), present, and future.
News | Events
20 Entertaining Years With Joachim of Fiore
In a stimulating lecture on 2 December, Prof Alexander Patschovsky presented his critical edition of Joachim of Fiore's Apocalypse Comm
News | EventsMGH Lectures 2024-2025
This autumn and winter, the MGH are once again proud to present our programme of online and live lectures.
News | EventsValuable Learning Experience at the MGH Autumn Academy
I profited enormously („Ich nehme sehr sehr viel mit“), commented one of the participants evaluating this years MGH Autumn Academy on c